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Showing posts from August, 2009

Psalm 3:5

Psalm 3:5"I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the Lord sustains me." Not a necessarily long verse but one that really spoke to me today. With a new school year starting for many and other new opportunities starting for others, it is so easy to get into the "day to day" mentality. As Christians we should wake up with the joy of the Lord but this isn't always the case. We all have those days where we would rather roll over and go back to sleep!After reading this verse this morning I was moved by the realization that the ONLY reason I wake up in the morning--morning after morning--is beacuse God sustains me; and if God sustained me for another day that must mean that I have yet to fulfill my purpose here on earth. To know that God has a purpose and I am not simply walking around aimlessly everyday is a refreshing reminder. So the next time I am tempted to groan at the start of another day I'll think instead, "I woke up! Which means I have yet a