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Showing posts from June, 2013

Life in a seed

I wasn't a science major but if I understand the very basic reproduction cycle of a plant it goes something like this... An adult tree has these beautiful flowers which bees are attracted to. These bees shake the pollen into the "ovary" of the plant for fertilization. The fertilized plant embryo (with the proper care and nutrition) blossoms into a delicious fruit. Inside that fruit there is a seed, and that seed can be planted into the ground to grow another adult tree. Question... Is there life in the seed? Is the seed valuable of its own accord? Two adults who fell in love and were married. The male adult "pollinated" so to speak, the female adult, thereby creating an embryo. Already equipped with its own little beating heart, this little embryo (whom I believe was 7 or 8 weeks at that moment) grew into a fetus with the proper care and nutrition. At halfway (20 weeks) through the pregnancy, the baby looks like this picture above. She already