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Showing posts from April, 2014

Life in words

I have kept a personal journal, diary, if you will, since I was 12. I like writing. I like reading. I like words. I feel words--they carry depth and emotion and feeling. People often use words carelessly as if they dissipate as quickly as your breath in the cold winter's air. They don't, though. Words linger... ringing in your mind's ear for days, weeks, months, even years. For those that can almost tangibly feel the weight of words, some words last a lifetime. There are words that change the course of a person's personal history. Choices are made, challenges left behind, motivation lost or rather ignited all because someone said ... With words God spoke our entire universe into being. With words Jesus gave up His spirit. With words the Holy Spirit quiets a tormented soul. What words do you hold? What words do you share? What words do you not share for fear of rejection? A fear of rejection that was probably instilled in you because of someone's careless words. H