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Showing posts from May, 2014

He is not passive

Last year at Pink Impact God freed me from a box in which fear had held me hostage for years. No kidding. If you haven't read my story, you can find it here:  FREE indeed Last week, despite having a cold--you know the one (raw, scratchy throat, with a terribly congested head)--I made it a point to attend Pink Impact again. Once again I am so thankful I pushed through and went to spend dedicated time with my Savior. Praise God, I felt normal for the good majority of the conference. (Yes, I was completely oiled in Breathe and OnGuard and asking for His healing. I'm so thankful for those oils, but that's for a different post) Ironically, as soon as I got home after the conference was over, my body just let loose and I definitely needed to just rest for the rest of the weekend. Thank God, I'm feeling much better today :) Fear. . . it's not a fun place to live in everyday. Truly and sincerely, I have lived differently this year because of the freedom I received last