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Showing posts from July, 2016

Despising what's mine

"So Esau despised his birthright." (Genesis 25:34b) I have often thought about Esau and why his position in the family didn't seem to matter to him very much. It was as if he took everything for granted. As I was reading chapter 25 again tonight, a thought popped up in my mind... What if Esau felt entitled? What if he had an entitled attitude? He just assumed all would be his whether he was careful with his actions and words or not. That sense of entitlement and privilege cost him everything. What do we loose by having an ungrateful heart? What privilege or opportunity passes us by because we do not steward our resources well? What "right" do we despise unintentionally? As a momma, how many days with my children have I wasted wishing I could be somewhere else doing something "more important"? God, may I be ever thankful for your provision and mindful of the opportunities You present. May I prove myself to be a good steward with a grateful heart into wh


Specifics matter. While reading the story of Noah in Genesis 6-9, I noted the number of very specific instructions Noah received. He received the exact measurements for the ark and the type of wood with which to build it. He received instructions on which animals to take and how many (a male and female of each kind). Instructions were even given as to the food to be taken on board. The story also recounts the exact days it rained, when the floodgates opened and how long it took for the water to recede. It also tells us exactly how old Noah was, to the day, when the earth was completely dry again. It was absolutely fascinating to me to note all these very specific things about one of my favorite Bible stories. As I was pondered the significance of all these numbers, I really felt the importance of specifics. Yes, there are times in life when there are not exact instructions but there are definitely times when there are; and those times, we ought to specifically follow those instructions