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Showing posts from August, 2016

Start Marching

Jericho... The city that stood in the way on their way to the promised land. After 40 years of wandering and with a whole new generation of adults, they were ready to move forward toward their promise... Then they hit the wall. Now what? Joshua sought the Lord's help and the instructions he was given were far from ordinary. When I am facing a difficult decision I pray about it, talk about it with trusted confidants and usually pray some more before making a decision. Yet I was intrigued by the realization that Joshua didn't spend days thinking about the instructions given, nor sought other counsel, nor did he pray about it some more. He was given very specific instructions and regardless of the looks he was given or the comments that might have been made under several breaths, he simply followed out those instructions immediately. He didn't think about it. He didn't make a pro/con list. He just did it. The Lord told him very clearly do this and he did it. I

Living out your mission--even if it's too loud this morning

I love my kids. I want nothing but the best for them and I enjoy their unique personalities. That being said... It's hard to selflessly devote each second of each day of every week all year long to them. There are those days when I don't feel like getting up to be on call mommy all day again. This morning was one of those days... They were being just a little too loud a little too early for me and I could feel the nerves inside cringing already. Then I read this... “I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service,” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭ 1:12 ‬ ‭ESV‬‬ ...and I felt immediately thankful that God had counted me faithful/hardworking enough to grant me the opportunity to watch over my two for a time. Despite my past failures, He had seen enough of something in me to know that He could entrust two little souls to my care. I am in His service--daily caring for two pe