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Showing posts from September, 2017

Yesterday's miracle = Today's strength

Psalm 78:22 "for they did not believe in God or trust in his deliverance." The Israelites had just seen God open the Red Sea in front of them so they could walk across dry land. Now they are in the desert and fear has created unbelief yet again. It's easy to be aghast at the Israelites. Yet we are so much like them sometimes--panicking when an unexpected bill arrives, quickly forgetting the many times God has provided. How easily we fear and how suddenly we forget yesterday's miracles. Look at me, fear yells, and forget the joy God gave you yesterday. Graciously, in the very next verse, God miraculously provides for the Israelites again--highlighting His infinite mercy. I'm so grateful for that infinite mercy. I can't even count the number of times His mercy has saved me once again. So today I'm saying no, fear, I will not let you distract me from the promises I have already been given. I don't like your game and I am not playing anymore.

To be the Most ...

Ps. 75:6-7 "No one from the east or the west or from the desert can exalt a man. But it is God who judges: He brings one down, he exalts another." How often do we work for a promotion, position, popularity or favor? Sometimes people's opinions are our identity. We strive so much to be liked--to be the most this or the best that. Trying so hard to be on top, that we miss it: our real purpose, destiny or calling. How much more satisfied would we be if we stopped trying so hard to be ____ and just allowed God to exalt us in His own time?