Keep your eyes on me. It was a very clear command I heard Him give me. Matthew 14:22-31 tells the story of how an ordinary fisherman walked on water. Jesus had sent the disciples ahead of Him—telling them to travel by boat. During the night, the winds picked up and the water was not acting favorably toward the boat and its occupants. At some point during the evening, Jesus decided to catch up to His disciples by walking across the water toward them. Not knowing if they were seeing a ghost, the disciples start shouting at this supernatural figure approaching them. In only the way Jesus could, He reassures them that it’s Him walking toward them. Peter, in all his boldness, asks Jesus to call him to Him. So Jesus does and Peter walks on water. Then... he takes his eyes off Jesus. The wind is howling. The water is lurching. The tension from the others left in the boat must have been palpable. Confidence gone, he begins to fall through this previously invisible solid and yell...