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Showing posts from 2012

Not alone

Ever feel alone? Completely misunderstood? Isolated? Yeah, me too! Even though I'm surrounded by two very short people every.single.moment of There's nothing like being a stay at home mom to make you feel a loss of self, identity and privacy. Here's a little something the Holy Spirit taught me for those days I'm feeling a little lonely... and a little crazy. Psalm 139:1 "O Lord, you have searched me and you know me" verse 2b: " preceive my thoughts from afar" verse 4: "Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord" I'm not crazy! I'm not alone! I'm not misunderstood! He knows me COMPLETELY .... not with an educated guess; not just a sympathetic shrug--I'm COMPLETELY understood and validated. He is there before I even know that I am about to have a mommy meltdown. I'm not alone I'm not misunderstood Somehow knowing that helps me stand back up and continue servin

It wasn't for nothing

... that's not what Christianity is about. The "repent, ye sinner" bit would be offensive to me too. Why would I want someone with a "holier than thou" attitude help me come to Christ? It's just not about that. This verse really struck me today. Caught my attention so much that here I am writing to you (whoever you are) about this revelation I was just given. Galations 2:21 "I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!" ... for nothing ... Let that sink in for a second. For those reading this who may not be 100% familiar with the story of Christ's death let me explain it quickly. He was beaten/whipped so hard that he was unrecognizable. He was then nailed to a cross which was stood upright and He died hanging from the flesh that was nailed to this cross. It was a gruesome death. So this verse is saying that if there was a way we could be good enough; a way to earn e

Mommy, mommy, mommy!

There are days when being a mommy is everything magical and wonderful and happy. Then there are days when you wonder how you're going to make it through the next few years until kindergarten. Today was the latter. ( lol ) Ugh... I know I can't be the only one who feels like this so I am going to be brave and put it out there for anyone else who needs a "hey, I'm right there with you" pat on the back. "I don't even feel like a real person" is the thought that often goes through my head as I wearily put kiddo #2 down and trudge back into the kitchen to prepare an "adult" dinner. What is a real person, one might ask. Well, in my mind, a real person is someone who doesn't have a delightful tube of stretched out skin around her middle; fixes her hair more than she wears it in a ponytail; showers whenever she'd like to; doesn't constantly smell of baby drool; can hold a conversation with other adults without being constantly distracte