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Showing posts from January, 2015

Elizabeth's years of waiting

Today as I thought about all the circumstances in life that happen that leave me wondering why or when, I was reminded about Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother. She was very old and well past child bearing years when she finally became pregnant with baby John. In those days, a barren woman was thought of as less than. Surely there must be a reason in her life for her barrenness. Not being able to conceive and bear a child was a great emotional burden for her I am sure. I can imagine all the years she spent wondering why God... why have I not been blessed with a child? Why did I not get the blessing of being a mother? What sin is there in my life that holds this blessing back? What will happen to me when I am old? Then one day her husband has a miraculous meeting with an angel in the temple. (Read the full story in Luke chapter 1) He is struck mute because of his unbelief that his wife would bear a son. I can only imagine Elizabeth's questions after that day. God, not only

Where does your help come from?

"the Maker of heaven and earth.." I am often astonished by great works of art--be it paintings or music or writings or architecture. To think that someone not only created this magnificent piece but also had the mental capacity to first think about it. The original thought process, idea and then application of that idea into something so amazing makes my mind give a moment of silent awe. Isn't it truly incredible how some are so gifted? The realization, the deep conviction of the word "Maker" struck me today as I read Psalm 121. He is the maker, the creator, the designer, the architect, the scientist, the poet, the musician, the brains behind the world. He not only thought about it but He made it with just a spoken word. Every detail, every atom, every particle, every neuron, every molecule, every droplet, every organism, everything... it's all His design. He made the heaven and the earth. This great Maker, has said that He will keep me safe... th