Today as I thought about all the circumstances in life that happen that leave me wondering why or when, I was reminded about Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother. She was very old and well past child bearing years when she finally became pregnant with baby John. In those days, a barren woman was thought of as less than. Surely there must be a reason in her life for her barrenness. Not being able to conceive and bear a child was a great emotional burden for her I am sure. I can imagine all the years she spent wondering why God... why have I not been blessed with a child? Why did I not get the blessing of being a mother? What sin is there in my life that holds this blessing back? What will happen to me when I am old? Then one day her husband has a miraculous meeting with an angel in the temple. (Read the full story in Luke chapter 1) He is struck mute because of his unbelief that his wife would bear a son. I can only imagine Elizabeth's questions after that day. God, not only ...