"the Maker of heaven and earth.."
I am often astonished by great works of art--be it paintings or music or writings or architecture. To think that someone not only created this magnificent piece but also had the mental capacity to first think about it. The original thought process, idea and then application of that idea into something so amazing makes my mind give a moment of silent awe.
Isn't it truly incredible how some are so gifted?
The realization, the deep conviction of the word "Maker" struck me today as I read Psalm 121.
He is the maker, the creator, the designer, the architect, the scientist, the poet, the musician, the brains behind the world. He not only thought about it but He made it with just a spoken word. Every detail, every atom, every particle, every neuron, every molecule, every droplet, every organism, everything... it's all His design. He made the heaven and the earth.
This great Maker, has said that He will keep me safe...
that He will be with me...
that He will not even go to sleep so that He can continue to watch over me...
How could I not run to Him first when I have a problem...
when my heart is broken...
when my body shakes and my soul is bruised...
when fear slaps me across the face...
or doubt pulls me down by the hair.
I have the greatest Creator in the universe who has said He will watch over me.
He is not to be taken lightly. His power is not of little consequence. He can do more than my finite mind could ever fathom.
Dear reader, lift up your eyes and look to the greatest source of power for your deepest pain when help is needed.
He is the Maker of heaven and earth.
His power is unrivaled and His arms are always open for you.
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