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Showing posts from January, 2016

He Who Never Was

Recently I read a testimony given to the Supreme Court in favor of abortion. The woman was not ready to be a mother--she had other plans. She is thankful for her abortion because in her eyes, she has accomplished much good in the world. Accomplishments that she felt would have been impossible had she become a mother. Her story broke my heart. The night or two before reading this post, Dr.Ravi Zacharias spoke at my church and posed a thought that stuck with me--(my paraphrase) what if some of the answers to the world's problems were going to come through the people that were never given the chance to be born? That thought coupled with the woman's story inspired me to write the following poem. He Who Never Was He could have been a doctor, a lawyer or entrepreneur. Made great advances in science, law or building more careers. He could have been a great humanitarian, The most benevolent benefactor ever  known- Leaving a legacy of  many kindnesses shown. He could h

Are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?!

Have you read the book of Ezekiel? It's an...interesting one to say the least. God asked Ezekiel to do some strange things (like lying on his side for 390 days); but what I found fascinating is that before all this started, He told Ezekiel multiple times not to be afraid of the people or what they would say. (Ezekiel 2) The fact that He said it multiple times must mean that it was a message that He really wanted Ezekiel to remember. He knew that what He was calling Ezekiel to do was not going to be easy and people pleasing was not going to be an option for him. "The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that." (Proverbs 29:25 MSG) While reading Ezekiel 2 I almost felt as if that message was meant for me--as if God was saying to me, "Maria, don't be afraid of them or of their words." How often am I one to be afraid of people--what they think, what they say, what I think they are thinking or saying about me. It's enough fe