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Showing posts from January, 2018

The Ticket: My journey to the perfect final destination

I arrive at the airport of life with much anticipation but also with many questions. I wasn’t expecting so many different counters all offering tickets to a final destination. JESHOOTS Which counter offers a ticket to my perfect final destination and for how much? I wonder... "Excuse me sir," I politely ask, "which counter offers the ticket to the perfect final destination?" "Oh I don’t like discussing the perfect final destination," he gruffly replies. "You must look at all the counters available and decide for yourself which way to go." "Thank you!" I answer, grateful for the logical sounding advice. Upon arriving at the first counter, I read the informational screen at the beginning of the line: Final destination: unknown Price: whatever you think might be enough. Fine print: the actual amount may vary and nothing is guaranteed until you arrive at the gate. I don’t care much for the fine print, I thi

A meeting with God

We are currently reading through the book of Exodus as a family, and a part of chapter 19 jumped out at me. While meeting with Moses, God instructed him to tell the people to prepare themselves because He is going to come down in a "dense cloud" (Exodus 19:9) so that the people can hear Him and see Him meeting with Moses. What would you do if you were told that tomorrow God is going to meet with you at a specific location? Would you be excited? Nervous? Scared? Would you prepare for your meeting? Clear your calendar and silence your phone? Here's the really great part... He does want to meet with you at the location of your choice every single day. Sometimes, I feel like we often wait for something spectacular to happen to meet with God. We hope for a dense cloud to descend or a booming voice from heaven; but the reality is we most often hear from Him when we are quiet, still and listening. In my experience, it is not usually a loud voice or a lighting strike, bu

Did you or didn't you?

Obedience is a pretty black and white issue. Did you do what you were told or not? Somehow my kids try to make it as gray as they can. They either don't remember if they completed said task or claim they don't remember my instructions ever being given. There seems to be a explanation offered at every opportunity. The thing is that the issue really is not as complicated as they want to make it. Either they obeyed or they did not. It is during these times as a parent that I realize how much of a kid I must still be in God's eyes. I was given an instruction and... Well, let me explain, God... I couldn't talk to her right then... I wasn't prepared to give him cash... I didn't want them to think that... The excuses continue. Really it's just a simple issue--did I do what He told me to or not? Praise God for His ever tender mercy because I fear I still have much growing up to do.