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The Ticket: My journey to the perfect final destination

I arrive at the airport of life with much anticipation but also with many questions.
I wasn’t expecting so many different counters all offering tickets to a final destination.


Which counter offers a ticket to my perfect final destination and for how much? I wonder...

"Excuse me sir," I politely ask, "which counter offers the ticket to the perfect final destination?"

"Oh I don’t like discussing the perfect final destination," he gruffly replies.
"You must look at all the counters available and decide for yourself which way to go."

"Thank you!" I answer, grateful for the logical sounding advice.

Upon arriving at the first counter, I read the informational screen at the beginning of the line:
Final destination: unknown
Price: whatever you think might be enough.
Fine print: the actual amount may vary and nothing is guaranteed until you arrive at the gate.

I don’t care much for the fine print, I think to myself, but I’ve overheard more than a few other passengers who claim that the fine print isn’t that important anyway.

The second counter proved a little more hopeful to me:
Final destination: possibly a better airport
Price: good deeds and kind words
Final print: the actual amount may vary and nothing is guaranteed until you arrive at the gate.

Again, with the same strange fine print, I ponder, but at least I have an idea of the price.

The third counter became less than desirable after I finally finished reading the 50 page list of instructions on how to purchase my ticket and noted that same strange fine print at the bottom.
Frustrated at this point, I decided to wander among the colorful stores for a while to find something that might bring me comfort.

The first store promised me a fulfilling journey by introducing me to the airport’s best of the best people, clothing, accessories, and books.

"Keep up with us!" They yelled. "And you’ll feel good the whole way to your gate!"

Without knowing how fast they would go, I tried for several minutes to play their games, learn their rules and walk alongside them—only to finally collapse in exhaustion knowing that there would never be a way for me to keep up. Dejectedly I walked away from that store longing for something to fill me with worth.

The second store had a more calming vibe, which was such a welcome relief. Everyone there offered me self help books, vitamin packed brownies (which honestly left me feeling more confused than before), and sang songs about kindness toward everyone. I stayed at this particular store for longer than I should have, but in the end, I left with more questions than answers.

The third store I encountered I didn’t even bother to go in because I could already hear their most faithful customers arguing with each other about things that made no sense to me.
Such a shame, I thought, because their advertisements sparked hope in me for the first time in a while.

Oh well, I shrugged, as I purposefully determined to get back to the counters and make my final decision.

Unexpectedly a loud voice resounded over the airport: "the following is a special announcement from the counter named Gold Streets..."

An offer was being made for FREE tickets to the perfect final destination?!
I couldn’t believe it! Free!
I rushed over to the advertised counter expecting to be trampled but much to my surprise not as many were running over to take advantage of this incredible deal as I would have imagined.
As I approached the final informational screen, I read:
Final Destination: Perfect Paradise
Price: one free ticket

I searched for the familiar fine print I had seen at every other counter, but could find none.
So I approached the counter and asked the attendant how the tickets could be offered for free.
She smiled and sweetly replied, "because the owner’s son paid for all the passengers’ tickets in advance."

Wow! What a strange thing to do, I mused.
"So, there is no fine print or other special asterisk I can read?" I probed the attendant.

"No," she again sweetly replied. "There is no catch whatsoever. You simply receive one of our complimentary tickets and make your way to Gate 7."

"And anyone in the airport can take one?" I asked, still very confused why the entire airport was not stampeding to accept the offer.

"Yes!" She emphatically replied. "We make our special announcement as often as we can, but sadly not everyone thinks it’s fair to fly for free. Some passengers insist they must work hard for their tickets and others persist that all the planes are flying to the same final destination."

I thanked her for the ticket and turned to look around the airport at all the others drifting from store to store and counter to counter.
I wonder why they didn’t heed the announcement.

She must have sensed my confused sadness because she suggested I take some tickets to hand out to others I encountered on my way to Gate 7.
"Thank you!" I excitedly replied as I grabbed a handful of tickets and decidedly marched toward the first person not in line at Gold Streets.

"Excuse me," I happily greeted her. "Gold Streets is handing out free tickets to the perfect final destination and I wanted to give you one!"

Disgusted, she rudely informed me that it is unkind to offer only one airline as a choice. Completely perplexed by her reaction, I apologized for interrupting her day and shyly walked away.

I couldn't understand why someone, anyone, would refuse to accept a free ticket! Determined not to let one other passenger take away my resolve to hand out these free tickets, I moved on and approached several other people as I continued toward my gate.  Some were pleasantly shocked by this new information and gratefully accepted the ticket. Others ridiculed me or simply ignored me; but my joy was permanent. I had found the perfect final destination and it was FREE to anyone who would accept a ticket already paid for by the owner's son. No longer did the stores along the way hold the hope of having my long sought answer. I had my answer! I knew where I was going and my name was on the list of passengers to board at Gate 7!
No matter what happened on the rest of my journey through this airport, nothing could take away my free ticket, and I was committed to sharing as many free tickets as I could.

Would you like one?


  1. Well written, Maria! It reminds me of Paul, wanting others to receive that perfect free gift. I got my ticket!
    Keep the excitement because many more will gratefully accept the ticket when they realize how wonderful the Giver is in offering the free gift!

    Many had reached the “promised paradise”, and wait expectedly for loved ones to join them.
    How wonderful it will be!

    What a wonderful story!
    Keep writing, Maria! Your stories are inspirational!��


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