To be insignificant. To live a life unworthy of notice. To simply be a vapor--here one second and gone the next without any other notice. I find that this fear of insignificance is a BIG one for many people. No one wants to be insignificant. No one truly wants to go through life alone. No one would pass up a moment of fame if it were offered to him. It is so interesting that deep inside us there is this need to be noticed and to be included. This is where comparison comes to taunt, hurt and manipulate us--making us wish that we were someone else. Comparison can create a desire to want to look like, sound like, act like and be like someone else. Yet, there are no two people exactly the same. Each one of us has unique fingerprints, DNA, mental processes, emotions, thoughts, hopes and dreams. There is no one who is not unique. Each one of us has something that no one else in the whole world has--your spirit. For the body is but an outer shell--a casing if you will. That body is not re...