To be insignificant. To live a life unworthy of notice. To simply be a vapor--here one second and gone the next without any other notice.
I find that this fear of insignificance is a BIG one for many people. No one wants to be insignificant. No one truly wants to go through life alone. No one would pass up a moment of fame if it were offered to him.
It is so interesting that deep inside us there is this need to be noticed and to be included. This is where comparison comes to taunt, hurt and manipulate us--making us wish that we were someone else. Comparison can create a desire to want to look like, sound like, act like and be like someone else.
Yet, there are no two people exactly the same. Each one of us has unique fingerprints, DNA, mental processes, emotions, thoughts, hopes and dreams. There is no one who is not unique. Each one of us has something that no one else in the whole world has--your spirit.
For the body is but an outer shell--a casing if you will. That body is not really you. You simply reside inside your body. Your everything else, what makes you excited, sad, motivated, discouraged, angry, etc, is inside of you. It is uniquely you. The thoughts, gifts, talents and abilities that come naturally and sometimes without much training are inside of you. The hopes, dreams, ambitions and goals are inside of you. You are inside of you.
Why do we long for worth? May I suggest that what you secretly ache for is a connection, a place to belong, a kindred spirit. After all, we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). God had a desire for relationship. Therefore, we will always have a desire for relationship, connection, community, a friend.
God formed each of our spirits (and bodies) and He would not create someone insignificant. Could it be that the devil's greatest attack is this fear of insignificance? To feel unworthy, unwanted and unloved? To destroy ourselves in search of that one missing piece? To give up more than we ever should have simply to be included? Might I suggest that at the root of so many other depressions and rejections is the fear of being insignificant?
Dear reader, whoever you are, please hear these words and let them echo inside of you for years to come... YOU are not insignificant. You are here. You are alive. You are breathing. You, the spirit, the real you, have a purpose and are not living through life for nothing. Do not fear insignificance because you will never be. The Creator of the universe thought you significant enough to form and come into this world. Walk your road, whatever it may be, and know that somehow even if you can't see it, your life has a meaning, a rhyme, a reason for existence and never feel insignificant again.
I find that this fear of insignificance is a BIG one for many people. No one wants to be insignificant. No one truly wants to go through life alone. No one would pass up a moment of fame if it were offered to him.
It is so interesting that deep inside us there is this need to be noticed and to be included. This is where comparison comes to taunt, hurt and manipulate us--making us wish that we were someone else. Comparison can create a desire to want to look like, sound like, act like and be like someone else.
Yet, there are no two people exactly the same. Each one of us has unique fingerprints, DNA, mental processes, emotions, thoughts, hopes and dreams. There is no one who is not unique. Each one of us has something that no one else in the whole world has--your spirit.
For the body is but an outer shell--a casing if you will. That body is not really you. You simply reside inside your body. Your everything else, what makes you excited, sad, motivated, discouraged, angry, etc, is inside of you. It is uniquely you. The thoughts, gifts, talents and abilities that come naturally and sometimes without much training are inside of you. The hopes, dreams, ambitions and goals are inside of you. You are inside of you.
Why do we long for worth? May I suggest that what you secretly ache for is a connection, a place to belong, a kindred spirit. After all, we were created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). God had a desire for relationship. Therefore, we will always have a desire for relationship, connection, community, a friend.
God formed each of our spirits (and bodies) and He would not create someone insignificant. Could it be that the devil's greatest attack is this fear of insignificance? To feel unworthy, unwanted and unloved? To destroy ourselves in search of that one missing piece? To give up more than we ever should have simply to be included? Might I suggest that at the root of so many other depressions and rejections is the fear of being insignificant?
Dear reader, whoever you are, please hear these words and let them echo inside of you for years to come... YOU are not insignificant. You are here. You are alive. You are breathing. You, the spirit, the real you, have a purpose and are not living through life for nothing. Do not fear insignificance because you will never be. The Creator of the universe thought you significant enough to form and come into this world. Walk your road, whatever it may be, and know that somehow even if you can't see it, your life has a meaning, a rhyme, a reason for existence and never feel insignificant again.
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