For someone who has never been very good at math, I sure like formulas!
My sister told me the other day that my brother-in-law wondered why I wasn't an engineer since I value and prize order, organization, straight lines and routines so much. (She informed him that I sincerely lack in the area of mathematical expertise which quickly took engineering off the career table for me in college).
Duty and responsibility are probably some of my loudest personality traits.
This becomes a problem when I let those two parts take over in my spiritual life.
I begin to recite prayers like formulas assuming they will work because of the power of the words, not the power of the Father.
I begin to faithfully read my devotionals to check off my to do list, not because I'm sitting at His feet to listen.
I begin to sing worship songs at church expecting the same revelations, not because I'm seeking His face.
Order, familiarity, formulas, routine ... these are my places of comfort. Yet, they can push the Holy Spirit aside if I let them.
This week He reminded me that my prayers hold no power in and of themselves, but He answers because of HIS great grace and mercy.
My devotionals don't have all the answers, but HE uses the words of others to bring attention to areas He's working in.
The worship songs aren't about evoking feelings--they are about entering HIS presence.
I had slid away from the most important part... HIM.
Without HIM, I am nothing.
Without HIM, there is no lasting change.
Without HIM, there is no power in prayer.
HE holds it all together and only by HIS great love and compassion do I even get to play a part. Nothing is about me or my accomplishments. Everything is about HIM.
HE holds it all together and only by HIS great love and compassion do I even get to play a part. Nothing is about me or my accomplishments. Everything is about HIM.
"Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:21-23)
Yes, Abba Father, great is YOUR faithfulness.
Yes, Abba Father, great is YOUR faithfulness.
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