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Showing posts from 2016

My Aroma

"14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christʼs triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. 15 For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. 16 To the one we are an aroma that brings death; to the other, an aroma that brings life. And who is equal to such a task? 17 Unlike so many, we do not peddle the word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, as those sent from God." (‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭2‬:‭14-17‬ NIV) Smells leave such a powerful memory. There is a physical reason why that happens based on the way your nose and brain work together. I've always found that fascinating. I know so many people who have such strong memories triggered by a particular aroma. Strong smells, good or bad, also travel throughout their surrounding atmosphere quickly and can create quite an impression. There's few things

The Real Deal

“ ‘If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit. Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting, and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land. “ ‘I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country. You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you. Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you. “ ‘I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you. You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new. I will put my dwelling place among you, and I will

When your heart is broken

Sometimes there is a lot to say and sometimes there is nothing to say. Grief makes it tricky. Some can't stand the silence and fill the void with everything and anything. Others have no idea what to say so they simply don't say anything at all. In reality, there is no right or wrong when it comes to grief. Some need that silent void filled and are thankful for the distraction. Others can't stand the thought of life going on as normal for everyone else and shut everything(one) around them down. The one thing I have seen across personalities is the truth in the comfort of knowing that someone is there...someone cares...someone has offered a part of him/herself even if it was awkwardly done. A hand was extended and even if it wasn't initially accepted, that extended hand helped. So thank you to those that consistently exercise your gifts of mercy and compassion. Grief is not easily explainable or easily healed. "...but God is the strength of  my heart and

Start Marching

Jericho... The city that stood in the way on their way to the promised land. After 40 years of wandering and with a whole new generation of adults, they were ready to move forward toward their promise... Then they hit the wall. Now what? Joshua sought the Lord's help and the instructions he was given were far from ordinary. When I am facing a difficult decision I pray about it, talk about it with trusted confidants and usually pray some more before making a decision. Yet I was intrigued by the realization that Joshua didn't spend days thinking about the instructions given, nor sought other counsel, nor did he pray about it some more. He was given very specific instructions and regardless of the looks he was given or the comments that might have been made under several breaths, he simply followed out those instructions immediately. He didn't think about it. He didn't make a pro/con list. He just did it. The Lord told him very clearly do this and he did it. I

Living out your mission--even if it's too loud this morning

I love my kids. I want nothing but the best for them and I enjoy their unique personalities. That being said... It's hard to selflessly devote each second of each day of every week all year long to them. There are those days when I don't feel like getting up to be on call mommy all day again. This morning was one of those days... They were being just a little too loud a little too early for me and I could feel the nerves inside cringing already. Then I read this... “I thank him who has given me strength, Christ Jesus our Lord, because he judged me faithful, appointing me to his service,” ‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭ 1:12 ‬ ‭ESV‬‬ ...and I felt immediately thankful that God had counted me faithful/hardworking enough to grant me the opportunity to watch over my two for a time. Despite my past failures, He had seen enough of something in me to know that He could entrust two little souls to my care. I am in His service--daily caring for two pe

Despising what's mine

"So Esau despised his birthright." (Genesis 25:34b) I have often thought about Esau and why his position in the family didn't seem to matter to him very much. It was as if he took everything for granted. As I was reading chapter 25 again tonight, a thought popped up in my mind... What if Esau felt entitled? What if he had an entitled attitude? He just assumed all would be his whether he was careful with his actions and words or not. That sense of entitlement and privilege cost him everything. What do we loose by having an ungrateful heart? What privilege or opportunity passes us by because we do not steward our resources well? What "right" do we despise unintentionally? As a momma, how many days with my children have I wasted wishing I could be somewhere else doing something "more important"? God, may I be ever thankful for your provision and mindful of the opportunities You present. May I prove myself to be a good steward with a grateful heart into wh


Specifics matter. While reading the story of Noah in Genesis 6-9, I noted the number of very specific instructions Noah received. He received the exact measurements for the ark and the type of wood with which to build it. He received instructions on which animals to take and how many (a male and female of each kind). Instructions were even given as to the food to be taken on board. The story also recounts the exact days it rained, when the floodgates opened and how long it took for the water to recede. It also tells us exactly how old Noah was, to the day, when the earth was completely dry again. It was absolutely fascinating to me to note all these very specific things about one of my favorite Bible stories. As I was pondered the significance of all these numbers, I really felt the importance of specifics. Yes, there are times in life when there are not exact instructions but there are definitely times when there are; and those times, we ought to specifically follow those instructions

Know your sources wisely

Chapter 3 tonight in Genesis... The fall of man. There are lots of intriguing parts to this sad story but something that stuck out to me tonight was the fact that Eve desired wisdom: "... and also desirable for gaining wisdom..." (verse 6). You know, there is a lot of advice out there today. Google "self help" and I bet you can find thousands of results. Everyone has an opinion and some claim to have expertise. You want knowledge? You can find resources in an instant! However, there is much to be said about gaining wisdom from credible sources. Who do you listen to? What are their credentials? Where do they get their information from? Not everyone has the best interest at heart for those that they "help." Not all advice is given in a well intentioned manner. Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing... Godly wisdom has distinct components to it... "But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willin

Never alone

Tonight I read Genesis 2 and was really meditating on the truth that God did not ever mean for us to be alone... But first here's a tangent I also thought was interesting in verses 5-6... At the beginning of it all, God did not create the rain. Water rose up from the ground to water everything. It was like the built in sprinkler systems we have now. As I sat here thinking about it, a thought dawned on me....I wonder if that means there were no weather patterns yet. It was a perfect world, one in which the vegetation was watered by the streams that came up from the ground. How much I wish I could have seen this garden of Eden. I'm sure it was quite the place to behold! Now back to what I said earlier about not being alone... While reading verse 18, the realization of the awfulness of feeling lonely really sunk in. I've had my fair share of feeling lonely. We moved around a lot as I was growing up and there is nothing quite like "being the new kid." Everyone else ha

It was so

"And it was so." That sentence at the end of Genesis 1:9 resonated with me as I was reading Genesis 1 tonight. God spoke the earth, the universe and everything in it into existence and it was so. He said it and it happened. Done. Have you ever stood in front of something so majestic that you really understood just how finite you are? There is so much more out there... Around the world... Across the universe. We are truly just a minute piece of something so much bigger. And it was so. Think of the stars that stretch across the galaxy--so numerous that we can't even count them all. Think of the all the sea creatures we have yet to discover because they live so deep. Think of all the snowflakes that fall and how delicate their individual patterns appear under a microscope. And it was so. The details, the intricacies, the mysteries and the beauty--all simply breathed into existence. "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and fema

Yours not mine

John 21:22 "Jesus answered, 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.'" What is it to you? Comparison... I compare. I assume you do too. What does someone else's story have to do with you? Why are you worried about what He is doing in your neighbor, friend, sister/brother's life? It's not your story. It's not your journey. It's their's. So what is it to you? We are all called to a unique purpose. We each have our own destiny. Mine isn't going to be the same as yours. Yours isn't going to be the same as his. His isn't going to be the same as her's. We were each called to our own story. We were each designed with a specific purpose in mind. My God given gifts and abilities were designed to help me achieve my story and yours were given to you for your story. Let's not focus on how we wish our lives looked like their's. They have their own set of trials and lessons. Who knows if

To those left behind

You know what really hurts? When you get hurt and no one notices, or cares or says out loud that they care. When something shakes your world and leaves you feeling breathless and the rest of the world continues without noticing--it makes you mad. How could they not stop and suffer for a moment with me? How could they not offer a word or thought or gesture of care? How can their life simply march forward like it did yesterday while my world has been left shattered? When you're left grieving and you physically ache with each breath you take, you want someone, anyone, to at least ask if you're okay. Compassion: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune,accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. ( ) Here's the thought that struck me today... Compassion, empathy and sympathy are not for the dead but for the living left behind. You may not emotionally grieve for a person lost whom you never knew or had a connec

Whispers from Him

Do you ever feel like it's all been done before? I often feel like it's all been said before. Everyone has a blog these days and many of the themes written about have been written many times over and again. What else is there left to say? Yet somehow God often connects just the right message from the right perspective to the person who needed to read it at just that time. I know that's happened to me many times. I like writing. I like blogging. But I pray that what I write, I write only what I hear from Him to you, reader, whoever you are and whatever season you are in life now. That's the purpose of my writing. I'm not so interested in airing out my opinions. It seems like there's more than enough opinions to go around these days. I write what I hear Him speak to my heart. You are not alone. Your life has meaning. Your voice will not go unheard. The impact you make may not look like much to you but it might be much bigger than you could have ever imagined. Foll

Not yet time

"Perceiving then that they were about to come and take him by force to make him king, Jesus withdrew again to the mountain by himself." (John 6:15) It wasn't time yet.  "One day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord" (Philippians 2:10)  If there was anyone more worthy to be crowned king it was Jesus. He could have allowed them to elevate Him to the position He so rightly deserves but He knew it wasn't time yet. There was still more in the story to learn...more of the story that needed to be told...more of the story that needed to be remembered and recorded for our sakes all these years later. One day He will come back in all His glory as King, but that particular day, it was not yet time. There's a big dream I have. One I have had for many years now, and I know is a God placed dream in my heart. One I hope someday becomes a reality; but it isn't time yet. There are still lessons I need to learn, perspec

Because divided you fall

Psalm 86:11 "Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear you name." An undivided heart... Those words jumped off the page as I was reading this verse tonight. What does an undivided heart mean? Not to be torn between two things...not to be promoting two different agendas...not to be serving two different masters...not to be reaching for two different goals. For if you have a heart divided, neither side is king. Ultimately one side will win. Which side will you choose? A heart divided... A motive unsure. Which answer is right? Which cause is more important? Which love is stronger? Which side will you serve? A heart divided will not stand. One side will lie to the other but how will you know which side is telling the truth?  Jeremiah 17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?" Holy Spirit, give me a heart undivided--nothing and no one more i


Everyday we do family devotionals. My Bible app picks a random verse of the day and we talk about what it means, etc. I really enjoy this time with my kids and watching them as they grow, learn, and understand more deeply. This morning's verse was Romans 15:4 "For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." Three words really stuck out to me: instruction, endurance and encouragement. Instruction: sometimes thought of as the only reason for the Bible, it is truly one of the most valuable parts of it. Proverbs is one of my favorite books for instruction. It is filled with tips for life and I often find myself discovering something new every time I read it. Endurance: I can not tell you the number of times that I have looked to this book for the endurance to keep going. Stories of Moses, Joshua, Joseph, Abraham and Sarah, and Peter have spoken to me numerous t

A Mother's Prayer Journal

Pages filled with anxious thoughts. Self rebukes over faithless walks. Tear stained ink blots. Happily scribbled exclamation dots. Trials recorded and lives unfolded, Over the creased lines of stories told. Pleas for wisdom. Cries for mercy. Answered petitions, And surprised renditions Of stories with newly twisted plots. Desperation. Exasperation. Written daily! Then forgotten lazily... Stories of successful potties. Frustration with consistent naughty. Prayers of hope. Prayers for peace. Memory verses needed as Persistent sources of daily strength. Determined stances. Defeated chances. Joy filled exclamations. Laughed over situations. Healing supplications. Worship then adoration. These are what fill my pages. Stories of my children's lives. Written with a fiery drive By a mother who strives To cover them in prayer. Memories for one day soon. A notebook to be passed on to you. A family recipe better than any heirloom. A mother'

Big lessons in small packages

Motherhood is hard. I can't tell you the number of nights I worry if I am doing enough, being enough, getting enough parenting answers right. I've always been one to want to get it right the first time. I don't particularly care to attempt something that I think I'll fail. I'm not much of a risk taker. Give me a planner and no uninterrupted plans and I'm a happy person. But kids don't work like that. Let's be really honest--life doesn't work like that. Kids are loud, chaotic, curious, energetic and non-stop. They can't wait to experience everything and I'm nervous about experiencing anything. They soak up all the emotional, mental and physical energy I have during the day and then have the audacity to ask for more energy during the night for whatever reason. There is no day off, no holiday break, no weekends. I am fully responsible to feed, clothe, care for, nurture, teach and protect each one every. single. day. Anyone else feel a li

He Who Never Was

Recently I read a testimony given to the Supreme Court in favor of abortion. The woman was not ready to be a mother--she had other plans. She is thankful for her abortion because in her eyes, she has accomplished much good in the world. Accomplishments that she felt would have been impossible had she become a mother. Her story broke my heart. The night or two before reading this post, Dr.Ravi Zacharias spoke at my church and posed a thought that stuck with me--(my paraphrase) what if some of the answers to the world's problems were going to come through the people that were never given the chance to be born? That thought coupled with the woman's story inspired me to write the following poem. He Who Never Was He could have been a doctor, a lawyer or entrepreneur. Made great advances in science, law or building more careers. He could have been a great humanitarian, The most benevolent benefactor ever  known- Leaving a legacy of  many kindnesses shown. He could h

Are you thinking what I'm thinking you're thinking?!

Have you read the book of Ezekiel? It's an...interesting one to say the least. God asked Ezekiel to do some strange things (like lying on his side for 390 days); but what I found fascinating is that before all this started, He told Ezekiel multiple times not to be afraid of the people or what they would say. (Ezekiel 2) The fact that He said it multiple times must mean that it was a message that He really wanted Ezekiel to remember. He knew that what He was calling Ezekiel to do was not going to be easy and people pleasing was not going to be an option for him. "The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in God protects you from that." (Proverbs 29:25 MSG) While reading Ezekiel 2 I almost felt as if that message was meant for me--as if God was saying to me, "Maria, don't be afraid of them or of their words." How often am I one to be afraid of people--what they think, what they say, what I think they are thinking or saying about me. It's enough fe