John 21:22
"Jesus answered, 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.'"
What is it to you?
I compare. I assume you do too.
What does someone else's story have to do with you? Why are you worried about what He is doing in your neighbor, friend, sister/brother's life? It's not your story. It's not your journey. It's their's.
So what is it to you?
We are all called to a unique purpose. We each have our own destiny. Mine isn't going to be the same as yours. Yours isn't going to be the same as his. His isn't going to be the same as her's.
We were each called to our own story. We were each designed with a specific purpose in mind.
My God given gifts and abilities were designed to help me achieve my story and yours were given to you for your story.
Let's not focus on how we wish our lives looked like their's. They have their own set of trials and lessons. Who knows if this season of respite and blessing has come after a long endured trial?
Things are not always what they appear on the surface. Only each person's heart knows the honest truth that lies below. Those with the biggest smiles may be struggling with something you could never imagine.
What if her happy ending (or what you think her happy ending is) came faster than yours? Maybe you are not ready for it yet. Maybe God has a much better version of your desired happy ending than you can even imagine right now. Her story is not yours.
So what is it to you?
Nothing you should fret yourself about.
Follow Him. He knows where you're going and the best route to get you there.
"Jesus answered, 'If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me.'"
What is it to you?
I compare. I assume you do too.
What does someone else's story have to do with you? Why are you worried about what He is doing in your neighbor, friend, sister/brother's life? It's not your story. It's not your journey. It's their's.
So what is it to you?
We are all called to a unique purpose. We each have our own destiny. Mine isn't going to be the same as yours. Yours isn't going to be the same as his. His isn't going to be the same as her's.
We were each called to our own story. We were each designed with a specific purpose in mind.
My God given gifts and abilities were designed to help me achieve my story and yours were given to you for your story.
Let's not focus on how we wish our lives looked like their's. They have their own set of trials and lessons. Who knows if this season of respite and blessing has come after a long endured trial?
Things are not always what they appear on the surface. Only each person's heart knows the honest truth that lies below. Those with the biggest smiles may be struggling with something you could never imagine.
What if her happy ending (or what you think her happy ending is) came faster than yours? Maybe you are not ready for it yet. Maybe God has a much better version of your desired happy ending than you can even imagine right now. Her story is not yours.
So what is it to you?
Nothing you should fret yourself about.
Follow Him. He knows where you're going and the best route to get you there.
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